Sheep and Cattle Ranching Thrived in the Area
Some homesteaders stayed, some moved on, and others are remembered with a stone marker overlooking the lush river valley. The ones that stayed, often bought up their neighbor's land and pieced together larger and larger ranches that could better sustain their families. Water was key, and most of the successful ranches had the best access to that precious commodity. Sheep and cattle ranchers competed for the grass, sometimes in a downright war, but eventually they worked out their differences and today, both cattle and sheep utilize the area's abundant fodder. With the exception of far superior equipment, today’s ranching looks very similar to years past. Herders and their sheepwagons can still be seen traveling from winter to summer pastures in an age-old cycle that flows with the seasons. Cattlemen still ride, rope, and brand as has been the cattleman’s tradition for years. Traveling today, as you look across the vast landscape, it may be easy to imagine you are in another century.
Thanks to an annonomous donor for their very generous $15,000 donation! This will help further our mission of preserving local history.
We are now a 501 (c) (3)
so your donation is tax deductible.
to our new secretary
Laura Cannon.
We are so grateful to have you!