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Friends of Little Snake River History

Lured by the promise of 160 acres of land, homesteaders came to the valley to gamble on a chance at a better life. Some came from as far as, Scotland, Ireland, or France, others from neighboring states. They brought their families, possessions, and dreams, and worked tirelessly to establish their farms and ranches. With determination, skill, and good fortune, some were able to prosper. Others, less fortunate, were thwarted by poor circumstances, misfortune, or tragedy. Today, standing on the land they once worked, their lives are marked by tumbling-down cabins; lines of cedar fenceposts; and half-buried machinery. The occasional blooming flower lives on, as the lone survivor of the original homestead.


Thanks to an annonomous donor for their very generous $15,000 donation! This will help further our mission of preserving local history.

We are now a 501 (c) (3)

so your donation is tax deductible.








to our new secretary

Laura Cannon.

We are so grateful to have you!


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Friends of Little Snake River History
PO Box 12
Savery, WY 82332
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